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What Is Medical Billing?

Medical billing is better described as full medical practice management and a doctor's key to getting paid. Full medical practice management," meaning that billing office handle all the bookkeeping and accounting functions for their doctor-clients, including patient statements, recording payments, preparing financial reports, and even consulting the physicians on issues such as how to negotiate contracts with the growing number of managed care companies such as HMOs and PPOs that are trying to reign in doctors' fees.

Medical billing involves preparation of medical bills on behalf of the doctor for the treatments performed on the patients. The work also involves sending the medical bills to the respective insurance company with whom the patient is a beneficiary. The billing department also collects the money from the insurance company on behalf of the doctors. The insurance company pays for the treatments billed by the billing office.

The Medical Billing industry is a subsidiary of the Health care industry. Medical Billing is the financial-data management of a physician or a group of physicians’ practices. This means maintaining all of the physician’s non-medical records and keeping track of and collecting all money due to him.


  1. Your article is really good. Medical Billing industry are not only providing services to collect the money from the insurance company from your behalf but also its provide Web-based billing system to Physicians for their medical practices & detailed reporting. it also provide 24/7 system access to keep you in control of your revenue at all the times.


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